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Selection of diamond and CBN abrasives

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2013/10/24 16:06:53 Hits:2905

  Superabrasive diamond and CBN are the two main categories, there are many varieties. As they are widely applied practice areas, each division has become increasingly clear that we should both have a more systematic understanding, so that when the choice may be aware of superabrasive.
  Diamond and CBN are synthesized under high temperature and pressure, and have a high hardness, sharp, good abrasion resistance and other characteristics, despite these aspects in common, but they are still in the very different nature, Thus the grinding area each play different roles.
  Diamond is the nature of human understanding hardest substance, as an abrasive showed a very excellent hardness (Mohs hardness 10), strength and grinding capacity, the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient are more ideal, can process a lot of hard and brittle materials such as carbide, ceramics, precious stones agate, glass, stone, building materials, concrete and semiconductor materials, etc., and in these areas grinding shown a great advantage. But the diamond is an allotrope of carbon, easily at higher temperatures the iron group element of steel chemical reaction caused by a strong chemical wear, abrasive grinding directly affect the performance and loss, so suitable processing iron family metal materials.
  CBN hardness (Mohs hardness 9.8-10) lower than diamond, but compared with the ordinary abrasive, still has high hardness, its thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient and a lot of polishing ability is excellent, it is also a very excellent grinding material. CBN stability and chemical inertness of diamond is much better than the ordinary diamond abrasive and difficult to process and should not be hard and tough machined metal materials regarded as a very suitable abrasive, such as tool steel, tool steel, stainless steel, heat-resistant alloys , especially high vanadium high speed steel, aluminum and other high-speed steel for metal grinding temperature sensitive materials, it is the ideal choice .......

Next:Multinational diamond and CBN grain size standard comparison table
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